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Artistic research

Inclusive Dance Company has often collaborated with NTNU Norwegian University of Science and Technology in artistic research projects.

Inclusive Dance Company understands artistic research the way it is defined by the Doctoral program in Artistic Research in the Performative Arts (2021-26) at the Theatre Academy art the University of the Arts Helsinki:

"Artistic research is multidisciplinary (interdisciplinary?), artist-and art-based (artist-initiated?) or art pedagogical research. It includes performances, artistic processes and their articulation, conceptualization and theory formation. As experts in their field, artist-researchers educated in Tutke foster the understanding of art, of human beings, and the world by advancing art making, art pedagogy and artistic research. They collaborate and engage in a diverse and critical dialogue with various actors in society. The skills, knowledge and understanding they produce are of benefit for the arts as well as other fields and areas in the society. Doctoral training fosters the artist-researchers’ ability to apply their

knowledge as artists, pedagogues and experts."



Tone Pernille Østern's research publications on CRISTIN

Inclusive Dance Company © 2000

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